Sunday, January 10, 2010

Handing Off My Coat

So it has been freakishly cold in Arkansas for the past week. Before heading anywhere, I bundle up in 3 layers, pull on my gloves, only to have to strip them all off again once I am safely returned to heated space.
And in less than 48 hours, I will be sweating under a mosquito netting in Accra.


An interesting question I heard concerning my leaving for Ghana was:

What are you going to do with your coat? Are you taking it with you?

And my response was to tell them that of course not, I am just handing it to my parents at the airport.

This not only attests to the drastic climate change I am about to encounter--none too soon, mind you. I never deal with the cold well. But I am also leaving something behind as I move towards this vast experience that has so many unknowns waiting for me. There are things that I don't need, though the looming presence of my two massive suitcases might seem to contradict this. I have trying to do what ISEP calls "emotionally pack."

Determine your goals for your time abroad.
Prepare for culture shock.

And I am stuck here trying to make a list or checkpoints for myself. But you know what? I think I am just going to wing it. Which is very un-Rachel-like of me. I have read the majority of my guidebook, copied my paperwork, started taking my malaria pills. But I fear that I have reached the point where I must leap.

I mean really, how can you plan for a life-altering event?

There will be pre-Africa Rachel and post-Africa Rachel.
This is that big.

And just like how my coat will be left with my mother, who tries her hardest to hide the tears until I am past security, all my expectations should be placed behind me as I plunge into this mind-blowing adventure.


  1. Rachie,

    You capture this beautifully. You also make some of the most hardcore metaphors I have ever experienced. (Hardcore in the most signigicant sense of the fabricated word.) I'm proud of you and your un-Rachel-like attitude. You are in for a most excellent adventure. Too bad you can't travel in a phone booth, that would be cool. ;)

    All my love, Laursie

  2. I love you. So much.

    Wanna mail me that coat? Because it's QUITE cold here in England :)

    You're in my prayers.
